supported postpartum
The body achieves what the mind believes. You have just brought a baby earth side and transitioned into the healing phase of birth. The postpartum period brings many drastic changes, biomechanically, emotionally, and spiritually. We often forget how much time is needed for healing and recovery. New moms are considered to be in the postpartum healing phase for up to a year. It is important to ensure our neuro-spinal system is open and connected as hormones balance out and soft tissue heals. At Free Spirit Chiropractic, we make sure your nervous system is functioning at the highest level so that your body can adapt to these major changes.
Free Spirit Chiropractic understands the support and recovery that is needed on this new journey. We are here for you!

A supportive chiropractor has been show to help:
Increase ability to sleep
Less discomfort
Easier breastfeeding
More mobility
Improved mindset
Support biomechanical changes
Increase neural communication
Easier healing process