our services
Our practice is a tribe of open-minded, heart-centered people, who are dedicated to living life full out. We look forward to you joining our space of love! We designed or practice to serve you throughout all phases of your journey. Take a peek at what we do.

Flourishing Families and Individuals
Community and connection is our number one priority at Free Spirit Chiropractic. Our vision is to bring a vibrant family practice to the Tulsa community so that the whole family is thriving right from the start. By having a neuro-spinal system that is free to express and adapt, families can grow together through divine connection. Along with creating flourishing families, Free Spirit Chiropractic invites all walks of life to enhance their health and well-being.
Whether you are trying to conceive or currently expecting, having a neuro-spinal system that is clear and connected creates the optimal environment for a comfortable and healthy pregnancy. A freely open nervous system allows your body to optimize position, grow and connect with the newest member of your family.
The postpartum period brings many drastic changes, biomechanically, emotionally, and spiritually. It is important to ensure our neuro-spinal system is open and connected as hormones balance out and soft tissue heals. We make sure your nervous system is functioning at the highest level so that your body can adapt to these major changes.
connected kids
During the first few years of life, essential neuro-development changes occur that are crucial to a child’s lifelong growth and development. Through pediatric chiropractic care, a child has the ability to grow and thrive right from the start. At birth, there are roughly 100 billion neurons already developed in a child’s brain; few will be produced after this point in a child’s life.
Birthfit classes support anyone in the Parenthood Transition through education and training based on BIRTHFIT's four pillars: fitness, nutrition, mindset, and connection. Take one of our comprehensive courses for the holistic approach to the motherhood transition. Classes are taught by our very own Dr. Lacey Nevel.
Questions before getting started?
get in touch.